We do not work alone

Usual Objects by Artists

Majestic Chair

Dorothy Iannone


Majestic Chair

Limited edition of 10 copies, numbered

co-production WE DO NOT WORK ALONE x Editions Sylvain Courbois

prix sur demande

Prix :


MDF Valchromat, peinture acrylique, tapis tufté à la main en laine et coton
Fabriqué en France

MDF Valchromat, acrylic paint, hand tufted rug in wool and cotton
Made in France


42 x 94 x 58 cm


« Iannone resists any kind of expectation with joyful gusto, disobeys every authority (except those she gleefully submits to), redefines her place in the world by creating an ever-expanding field of possibilities in that world-possibilities that arise as she turns everything inside out.These reversals abound in Iannone’s work, whether through inversion (and merging) of male and female, muse and maker, sacred and profane, celestial and carnal, submis- sion and dominance, compliment and insult, humor and earnestness. Nothing is quite as it seems, or wholy one thing or another. »

These words by Lisa Pearson on Dorothy Iannone’s work shine a light on the collaboration existing between WE DO NOT WORK ALONE and Dorothy Iannone since 2018 that started with the edition of the Forever True lamp.

The artistic project of Dorothy Iannone has a profound spiri-tual dimension, it is the expression of a practice considering art like a way of life where art is both the reflection and the motor of everything.

Thus, it may not be a surprise that some of Dorothy Iannone’s graphic works were to be turned into touchable and usable objects, especially as the artist has a long history of interest in multiples, prints and silkscreens.

The Majestic Chair finds its origin in a 1976 series called Chair Drawings. Two drawings were turned into furniture (Regal and Stool), confirming the artist’s early desire to give these drawings a tangible form.

While highlighting the ever present decorative dimension in Iannone ’s work, the Majestic Chair plays with the ambiguity and the inherent fluidity of the work, which can be expressed by various oppositions : pattern/surface, furniture/sculpture, substance/form.

Acknowledging the picturality of Iannone’s sculptural objects the Majestic Chair is hand painted.

This limited edition of 10 copies was made possible by the association of two publishers already closely involved with Dorothy Iannone : Editions Sylvain Courbois and WE DO NOT WORK ALONE.


« Iannone resists any kind of expectation with joyful gusto, disobeys every authority (except those she gleefully submits to), redefines her place in the world by creating an ever-expanding field of possibilities in that world-possibi- lities that arise as she turns everything inside out.These reversals abound in Iannone’s work, whether through inversion (and merging) of male and female, muse and maker, sacred and profane, celestial and carnal, submis- sion and domi-nance, compliment and insult, humor and earnestness. Nothing is quite as it seems, or wholy one thing or another. »

Ces mots de Lisa Pearson au sujet du travail de Dorothy Ian-none éclairent la collaboration menée depuis 2018 et initiée par la conception de la lampe Forever True.

Le projet artistique de Dorothy Iannone revêt une dimension profondément spirituelle, il est l’expression d’une pratique considérant l’art comme un mode de vie où il est à la fois le reflet et le moteur de toutes choses.

Peut-être était-il inévitable que des œuvres graphiques de Dorothy Iannone se transforment en objets préhensibles et utilisables, d’autant que l’artiste s’est tout au long de sa carrière illustrée par son intérêt pour la chose éditée, sous forme de livres ou d’estampes.

La Majestic Chair est issue d’une série de dessins de mobilier de 1976.

Un fauteuil et un tabouret avaient été réalisés à l’époque d’après deux de ces dessins. Restés uniques, ils attestent pour-tant d’une volonté de matérialisation précoce de l’artiste.

Valorisant pleinement la dimension décorative omniprésente dans le travail graphique de Iannone, la Majestic Chair reflète aussi ses enjeux d’ambiguïté et de fluidité : motif / surface, meuble / sculpture ou encore fond / forme.

Restant proche de la conception des objets sculpturaux de Dorothy Iannone la Majestic Chair est peinte à la main.

Cette édition de 10 exemplaires est rendue possible par l’association de deux éditeurs ayant déjà collaboré étroite-ment avec Dorothy Iannone, WE DO NOT WORK ALONE et les Editions Sylvain Courbois.

Informations complémentaires


MDF Valchromat, peinture acrylique, tapis tufté à la main en laine et coton
Fabriqué en France

MDF Valchromat, acrylic paint, hand tufted rug in wool and cotton
Made in France


42 x 94 x 58 cm